Phelps Pharm: Farm and Equestrian Center
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About Phelps Pharm

Our story began in 1995 when New York Yankee, Sue, met Georgia Country boy, Alan. We were peers at the company we worked for and a close friendship began to form. Finally, two years later we had our first date!


They say opposites attract and boy is that the case with us. Alan is very quiet and smart, whereas as he puts it I am a “fly by the seat of my personality/pants” kinda gal. 


The next fifteen years were a very curvy adventure. Alan and I relocated five times with our jobs and were still trying to figure out what we wanted to do when we “grew” up.


In 2012 God blessed us with a farmhouse built in 1850. We tried raising goats and pigs and we knew immediately that was not in our future; off went the goats and pigs. 


We were tiptoeing around raising cattle; our first purchase was 6 head of angus in the Spring of 2014. Our goal was to have at least 40 cows and heifers within 5 years. We reached our goal in 4 years and now we are maxed out with the herd size we can have with our pasture acreage. 


I was dabbling in some horseshoe and crafts but just couldn’t seem to get motivated. It didn’t help that between 2013 and 2014 I had four surgeries and was feeling a wee bit sorry for myself because I was not able to return to work.


God and Alan were very patient with me during this time but were ready for me to get myself in gear and do something besides attend my daily pity party.


The question was what to do next.


We had started building a tiny house in 2016 for Alan's dad to live in on the farm. He wasn’t able to move from his home in Georgia due to illness; leaving us with a tiny house that was about a third of the way finished. I proposed to Alan that we finish the tiny house as a bunkhouse. He was quietly NOT thrilled with the idea. But, his fly by the seat of her personality/pants wife forged ahead. 


I listed our partially finished bunkhouse on AirBnB at the beginning of May 2017 with a first available date being May 26th. We had our first booking within 24 hours of posting our property on AirBnB. We had to call in all the troupes to get finished by the 26th.


We have been booked every weekend ever since, which inspired us to expand. We love hosting events such as fundraisers, birthday parties, and weddings on our property. As God continued to bless us we went ahead and added our "Almost" a treehouse. The Treehouse was slow to take off, but is now booked almost every day as well!

As of December 31st, 2024 we have hosted 1,800+ people at our farm!

I keep asking Alan to let me add another one but he continues to say no, hmm. :(

We do have a gift shop, including local artisan art and goods, even locally made Amish bread, jams, and more!


Needless to say, my wheels continue to turn with expansion ideas and I am excited about our next adventure.